The Foldout Cat’s Shop is closed for remodelling …


… but we’ll be back soon!

So this past January of 2022, after nearly two years of COVID craziness, the Chief Feline returned to the fiber-festival road. And she travelled and she taught and she sold fiber and yarn and tools and other good fibery things. So many good fibery things, in fact, that this here website’s online shopping emporium quickly became outdated. And then more outdated. And then SERIOUSLY outdated. And then approximately as up-to-date as stone tablets. Or polyester jumpsuits. Or Members Only jackets.

In other words: it got less and less useful and more and more frustrating to customers and clients. Which is, after all, pretty much the diametric opposite of what we want folks to experience when they come by to check us out and hopefully stay a while.

So we’ve taken the shop down. TEMPORARILY. We’re restocking and refurbishing and reworking. We’re adding new products and retiring past ones, updating pictures and prices, and just generally making the Foldout Cat’s Feline Emporium a good and helpful place to lay down funds for fiber.

And as soon as we’re done, we’ll be back with a bang.

Look for the new shop to go up in early January 2023. Can’t wait to see you there!